Procedurally generated Roguelike Game

This is a procedurally generated roguelike game where player performance is used to alter the game's difficulty. It is my final year project at the University of Brighton, being developed in Unity with C#. The game uses procedurally generated dungeons using pre-made rooms, where each room will determine a player’s performance. This then further impacts later rooms, making them easier or harder, depending on performance. The project looks to investigate whether players prefer an experience tailored to their performance or rather an entirely random level. This was achieved by creating 2 versions and testing on many candidates.

The graph above shows the data collected from tests within the project. It compares How many rooms were completed, out of 13, and what the average difficulty was in each room. As shown evidently within the findings there is a strong correlation between the amount of rooms completed and the difficulty. This could be showing that the better the player is the higher the difficulty they faced was, in turn, the difficulty scaling system was working.